Chris Blaser is a professional photographer from Lausanne on the Lake Geneva arc in Switzerland.
What characterizes this enthusiast of nearly twenty-five years of professional experience is undoubtedly his quality as an adventurer, not to satisfy a taste for risk but much more his curiosity and the desire to go to meet the unknown, to explore new paths and to surpass themselves. Moreover, of the sports he practices regularly, he likes to defend “sportsmanship” and the values he represents, namely honesty, commitment, humility and respect.
The passion for photography was born from this thirst for life, trips around the world backpacking, extraordinary discoveries and encounters, the desire to share these riches of our world.
After a first job as an electrician and electrician, which was abruptly interrupted by the real estate crisis of the 1990s, he went on to make a first report on swallow nest hunters in Thailand during which he fell and broke several vertebrae. During his rehabilitation, he resumed his studies at the Evening Gymnasium and was eventually hired by the Swiss news agency Lausanne (ASL) and then by the newspaper 24Heures in which he underwent a two-year training course.